Common Sense Economics Training Materials
Common Sense Economics (CSE) is a flexible organizing tool put together by the AFL-CIO and built in the shape of a curriculum for mass education. CSE is intended to be shared, modified and flexible. It’s designed for all workers (union or nonunion) to understand why this economy is not working for working people and that the economy is not inevitable, but is shaped by policy. The tool’s main goal is to immediately connect people to action and put workers in the driver’s seat to start changing the direction of this economy.
There are five modules that look at important topics through an economic lens:
- Short Core Module
- Globalization
- Immigration
- Women and Families
- Young Workers
- This list of basic labor terminology can be helpful to help orient new members. Even though you’ve distributed the glossary, it’s still a good idea to avoid using too much labor-specific language when talking with any member unless you are sure they are familiar with the terms.
The United Association for Labor Education (UALE) is a national organization of labor educators working towards progress, growth and hope for the labor movement. Publishes the Labor Studies Journal, coordinates Union Women’s Summer Schools, hosts an annual conference and provides online resources (including links to all labor programs at universities and unions).
Zinn Education Project. Teaching a People’s History, Zinn Education Project’s labor page, an extensive collection of labor-history related educational tools and resources.
The Labor Film Database: films, videos and film festivals that focus on work, workers and worker’s issues. Presents powerful images to further understanding of the past and present lives of working people. Photographs, paintings, sculpture, other fine art and artifacts.
American Rights at Work informs the public about the struggle to win workplace democracy. Numerous projects and publications include a workers’ rights clearinghouse, monitoring the NLRB, and many online resources.
University/College Programs